We will always do our best to make your dogs are as comfortable as we humanly can. We also work hard to help educate dog owners and help them solve any problems or concerns they may have.

    If you have any other questions about us or our training, please feel free to contact us 254-654-1452 .

    • LISA KATHAN – Owner
      LISA KATHAN – Owner
    • GRANNY – A Little Bit of Everything
      GRANNY – A Little Bit of Everything
    • MACEY – Assistant Bather
      MACEY – Assistant Bather
    • TIFFANY – Bather
      TIFFANY – Bather
    • TAYLER BOWMAN – Aprentice Stylist
      TAYLER BOWMAN – Aprentice Stylist
    • JJ – Whatever We Need Him For
      JJ – Whatever We Need Him For

    We can’t forget Batman – The Courageous Crusader that keeps us all in line.